Welcome Returning Campers!
How to Re-Apply:
Camp Anne and The Lodge are partnering with CampDoc.com to better serve our campers and staff. Once you complete your initial CampDoc.com registration, you won’t have to start from scratch to re-apply next year.
Returning campers can apply for their next summer of camp using CampDoc:
More info about registration security and privacy
The CampDoc.com site is secure, encrypted, and password protected. Only staff from AHRC NYC’s Camping & Recreation Department will have access to the camper files.
Once you sign up for a CampDoc.com account, you will be able to register your camper. Once your registration is received and reviewed by camp staff, your session will be confirmed and you will be able to complete the acceptance packet. Some of the fields require a document to be scanned and uploaded. As you complete paperwork, you will be able to see what is still needed by camp.
CampDoc.com sends out periodic reminder emails for outstanding balances and incomplete health information. These notifications will come from campdoc.com, so please add this to your safe sender list to avoid accidental delivery to junk and spam folders. We don’t want you to miss important notices about camp!
We are excited to continually improve, building safer, more productive and more efficient systems to create the best experience for you and your family!